Spanish Peaks Country
This apiary location was specifically chosen for the geographic and surrounding developments to provide the best possible location for honey bees to thrive.
Contrary to the practices of most honey producers, we believe the best environment for honey bees to thrive is away from agricultural practices. Those practices provide a swath of nectar flows and provide pollination contracts to the beekeeper, but also bring negative effects to the bees and honey such as pests. Honey from agricultural properties also has almost no allergy benefits nor the great taste, as it is a single source of nectar and pollen for weeks at a time.
This region has all the necessities insects need to thrive, and as such this region boasts a large biodiversity for insect life in Colorado.
Honey from this apiary is almost exclusively harvested from the nectar of native plants and as such has the best allergy benefits of the honey we produce.
With mountains, lakes, rivers, plains, marshlands and grasslands all within 5 miles of this location, these bees thrive and produce the best of Colorado Honey.